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This form works best when completed on a laptop or PC. Smartphones and tablets may experience difficulty when trying to click the submit button. All starred fields must be completed or you will be unable to submit the questionnaire. Missed fields will be highlighted if you are unable to submit.

Please answer the following questions as fully and as honestly as possible. This allows us to better assess your dog's needs during this transition period and find the right foster or adoptive home. RGSR and your dog greatly appreciate you answering each questions. 


If accepted into our program, we have experienced people that can work on training, medical or behavior problems. Please make us aware of any issues, no matter how minor, so that we can place the dog in an appropriate foster home where he can brush up the skills he may need to be more adoptable. This helps insure your dog gets the best possible forever home.


If your dog is accepted into our program you will be required to sign over ownership of the dog to rescue and you may have to pay an owner surrender fee. If space in foster care is available, we will take possession immediately. Space in foster homes is always in short supply. In some cases we have to board the dogs while we are waiting a foster or forever home. We will not release the dog to a shelter.


Thank you for ensuring that your dog has bright future ahead of him instead of facing the end of his life alone, feeling abandoned and unloved in a shelter.

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